The Incredible Benefits of Sauna

Saunas have been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. From the traditional Finnish sauna to the modern infrared versions, these heat therapies offer a multitude of benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the main benefits of using a sauna, how often you should use one, the optimal duration for each session, and whether saunas can help burn fat.

What is the Main Benefit of a Sauna?

The primary benefit of a sauna is its ability to promote cardiovascular health. Regular sauna sessions mimic the effects of moderate exercise, increasing heart rate, improving blood flow, and expanding blood vessels. This process not only enhances cardiovascular function but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, including strokes. A study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland found that regular sauna use significantly lowers the risk of heart-related deaths.

For those looking to improve their heart health, incorporating sauna sessions into your routine can be a game-changer. BMS Sauna in the Blue Mountains offers a variety of sauna products that can help you get started on your journey to better cardiovascular health.

Is it Good to Sauna Every Day?

While the benefits of regular sauna use are well-documented, it’s important to use saunas wisely. Saunas introduce mild stress to your body, known as hormesis, which can be beneficial. However, daily use might be excessive for some individuals, especially those new to saunas.

Optimal Frequency: For most people, using a sauna 2-3 times a week is sufficient to reap the benefits without overdoing it. This frequency can help improve cardiovascular health, enhance mood, and reduce stress. For those seeking maximum cardiovascular benefits, using a sauna up to 7 times a week can be beneficial, but it’s crucial to listen to your body and avoid overuse.

How Long Should You Sit in a Sauna?

The duration of each sauna session is crucial for maximising benefits and ensuring safety. Here are some guidelines based on research and expert recommendations:

Session Duration: Aim to spend 5-20 minutes per session in the sauna. This range allows your body to heat up and experience the cardiovascular benefits without risking dehydration or overheating.

Session Structure: For general health benefits, split your weekly sauna time into 2-3 sessions, totalling around 1 hour. If you’re using the sauna for growth hormone release, consider multiple 30-minute sessions with cooldown breaks in between, performed on a single day once a week.

Hydration: Ensure you drink at least a cup of water for every 10 minutes spent in the sauna to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration.

Does Sauna Burn Fat?

One common question is whether saunas can aid in weight loss and fat burning. While saunas can increase calorie burn, they should not be relied upon solely for weight loss.

Calorie Burn: Sitting in a sauna can burn calories, similar to moderate-intensity exercise. For example, a 30-minute sauna session can burn around 300 calories, depending on individual factors such as weight and metabolism.

Fat Loss: Saunas primarily help in reducing water weight through sweating. However, the increased metabolic rate and improved circulation can indirectly support fat loss when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

For those serious about integrating saunas into their fitness regimen, ReCentre Space based in Brookvale Sydney, offers a range of wellness products and services that can complement your sauna use.

Additional Benefits of Sauna Use

Improved Mood and Stress Response

Regular sauna use has been proven to have a significant and lasting mood-boosting effect. Heat exposure triggers the release of dynorphins and endorphins, resulting in a mild euphoria and sustained elevated mood. Additionally, saunas help reduce cortisol levels and activate DNA repair pathways, promoting overall well-being.

Muscle Recovery and Growth

Saunas enhance muscle recovery and growth by increasing blood flow to muscles and triggering the release of growth hormone (HGH). This hormone is crucial for muscle growth, bone strength, tissue repair, and metabolism. Regular sauna use can significantly boost HGH levels, aiding in muscle recovery and growth.


Sweating is one of the body’s natural ways of detoxifying. During a sauna session, the body sweats profusely, helping to expel toxins. To maximise this benefit, it’s essential to shower with soap immediately after a sauna session to remove the toxins from your skin and prevent reabsorption.

Enhanced Flexibility and Joint Health

Saunas can also improve flexibility and joint health. The heat helps relax muscles and increase blood flow, which can enhance flexibility and reduce stiffness. This is particularly beneficial for athletes looking to improve performance and reduce the risk of injuries.

My Opinion on Saunas

Saunas offer a multitude of benefits, from improved cardiovascular health and enhanced mood to better muscle recovery and detoxification. By incorporating regular sauna sessions into your routine and following the recommended protocols, you can maximise these benefits and improve your overall well-being. Remember to stay hydrated, listen to your body, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.



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